153 W e  could  end  it  here.  The  scientific  story  has  been told, the experts have made their predictions, and the options have been presented. But the Institute’s mission has always been more encompassing. Many questions have been brought up: About what it means to be human, about what it means to be mortal; about the society of the future and the dreams that shape it today. In this section, we will encounter those who are enthusiastically supportive and those who are deeply skeptical of the quest for immortality. But this section is not just about moral wrongs and (human) rights. We are also asked to consider deeper philosophical ques- tions about time, identity, and our outlook on death and life. We   begin   with   “Some    Ethical    and    Theological Considerations” by Brad F. Mellon. The editors must con- fess that in light of the recent statements made by the US President’s Council on Bioethics, we were pleasantly surprised to encounter such a measured and thoughtful analysis of the relationship between Christianity and the scientific conquest of death. In concluding, Mellon leaves us with at least two questions: Why should we fear death and should we spend resources more wisely? The  latter  question  is  often  paraphrased  as  a  Malthusian concern about limited resources. Surely there are too many people already? Yet, immortalist philosopher and founder of